The first thing I like to do when planning analysis is to go through it using dummy data. So we’re going to create a data frame in R containing data simmilar to what you may expect from your results. Let’s pretend you sampled 20 rock pools. Let’s make a 20 row data frame (for each rock pool) with the following 6 columns (representing your variables):
df <- data.frame(rockpoolID=as.factor(1:20),
diameter=c(rnorm(10, 60, 30),rnorm(10, 160, 30)),
depth=c(rnorm(10, 30, 5),rnorm(10, 60, 10)),
shelter=as.factor(sample(c(1,2,3), replace=TRUE, size=20)),
distance=c(rnorm(20, 400, 100)),
diversity=as.integer(c(rnorm(10, 10, 5),rnorm(10, 30, 5))))
You don’t really need to follow the above code so much but I’ll explain it anyway. So I’ve used two functions to create the data, rnorm()
and sample()
. rnorm()
generates random data with a normal distribution (e.g. rnorm(10, 60, 40)
means we are creating 10 data points with a mean around 60 and a standard deviation of 40). sample(c(1,2,3), replace=TRUE, size=20)
basically says sample randomly sample 1
, 2
and 3
20 times with a equal probability of selection (good for categorical data). Also notice I’ve used as.integer()
on diversity as diversity count will be a whole number and not a float.
So let’s print the data frame and see the result.. You’ll probably see some patterns but I’ve set the data up like that on purpose for the point of this exercise.
## rockpoolID diameter depth shelter distance diversity
## 1 1 68.03133 30.28572 3 376.9318 17
## 2 2 31.89878 29.55033 3 372.0529 11
## 3 3 77.88618 34.33180 2 459.0162 7
## 4 4 50.63869 28.26795 1 292.0820 12
## 5 5 71.93937 31.07823 3 191.3815 12
## 6 6 44.55611 30.27582 1 388.2214 10
## 7 7 43.44403 23.43898 3 294.1491 2
## 8 8 46.18499 39.50024 2 255.7723 11
## 9 9 -28.46374 26.26912 1 396.8166 4
## 10 10 36.98562 24.26433 1 313.1342 8
## 11 11 188.15563 63.33320 1 460.4730 22
## 12 12 151.38708 53.40020 3 479.1626 19
## 13 13 201.45068 48.11403 1 446.0004 30
## 14 14 176.41338 53.65589 2 252.9160 30
## 15 15 147.32704 70.91895 3 533.5327 33
## 16 16 155.17029 58.60173 2 416.5810 24
## 17 17 176.08291 53.77797 3 349.5985 21
## 18 18 178.91670 64.75640 1 460.7931 33
## 19 19 167.49320 47.52024 3 505.7611 34
## 20 20 153.43184 31.05091 3 473.6726 32
Now to answer your question about MANOVA. In this case (if I have interpreted your experiemnt correctly) you would not use MANOVA for your analysis. This is beacuse a MANOVA requires at least 2 dependent variables (DV) where as you have 1 DV and 4 independent variables (IV). So considering this I would use a multivariate regression model. Basically we just build a linear regression model with all your model IVs. MANOVA is another flavour of multivariate regression so you weren’t far off.
So let’s built the model. suing using the lm
function to build it. Out formula is diversity ~ diameter*depth + shelter + distance
. In R formulas, a*b
is actually short hand for a + b + a:b
. This foruma basically tells R that we are interested in: 1. the effect of diameter on diveristy 2. the effect of depth on diveristy 3. the interaction effect of diamter:depth on diveristy (maybe the imapct of diamter is differet at different depths?) 4. The effect shelter on diveristy 5. the effect of distance on diversity
This model is an example and maybe you would be curious of some other possible interactin effects? I programmed in the data in our example but I reckon the impact of shelter in your real data would be very interesting ;)
fit <- lm(data=df, formula = diversity ~ diameter*depth + shelter + distance)
## Call:
## lm(formula = diversity ~ diameter * depth + shelter + distance,
## data = df)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -8.3949 -2.9702 0.4022 4.0322 7.4130
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -18.092254 15.706510 -1.152 0.2701
## diameter 0.256762 0.132701 1.935 0.0751 .
## depth 0.682788 0.582198 1.173 0.2619
## shelter2 -4.530684 5.099133 -0.889 0.3904
## shelter3 -1.183964 3.595110 -0.329 0.7472
## distance 0.010267 0.017243 0.595 0.5618
## diameter:depth -0.004154 0.003756 -1.106 0.2888
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 5.678 on 13 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.8053, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7154
## F-statistic: 8.962 on 6 and 13 DF, p-value: 0.0005297
So let’s look at the results. Well there’s not actually a lot going on here. Diameter may be having an effect on diversity but the P values is still pretty low (0.0751 .
), although remember this is a dummy dataset and not real. Let’s plot all the IVs and see what they look like. We’ll use the library ggplot2
to do this. Note: I’m loading modules as I go in this tutorial but it’s much better practice to load them at the start of your script. Let’s load it now.
First we’ll build a function to generate a plot.
plotIV <- function(df, iv){
ggplot(df, aes_string(x=iv, y="diversity")) +
geom_point() +
stat_smooth(method = "lm", color='grey45')
And now we’ll plot the results for each IV using a function called lapply
. This just takes the elements of a list and applies a function you specify to each one and saves the reults to another list (in this case
which will hold all our plots). The argument df = df
is just there to tell it which dataframe to use. If you’re confused by this, let me know as this is actually a reasonably complex example to be introduced to lapply()
and I can make a more simple tutorial on these vectorised functions if people would like to see them.
# making df$shelter numeric as stat_smooth does not like factor variables
df$shelter <- as.numeric(df$shelter)
# make all the plots <- c(lapply(names(df)[2:5], plotIV, df=df))
Cool, now let’s plot them all together as one plot using the gridExtra
# calculate how many plots we have (4)
n <- length(
# calculate how many columns we should use to arrange them
ncol <- floor(sqrt(n))
# plot the 4 plots as a single plot on a 2x2 grid"grid.arrange", c(, ncol=ncol))
Well looking at those plots, I’m suspicious that there is something going on and we’re just not dectecting due to having quite low statistical power. Let’s do all these steps again but instead of 20 rock pools, let’s pretend we sampled 200!
# make data for 200 rock pools
df <- data.frame(rockpoolID=as.factor(1:200),
diameter=c(rnorm(100, 60, 30),rnorm(100, 160, 30)),
depth=c(rnorm(100, 30, 5),rnorm(100, 60, 10)),
shelter=as.factor(sample(c(1,2,3), replace=TRUE, size=200)),
distance=c(rnorm(200, 400, 100)),
diversity=as.integer(c(rnorm(100, 10, 5),rnorm(100, 30, 5))))
# run the linear model
fit <- lm(data=df, formula = diversity ~ diameter*depth + shelter + distance)
## Call:
## lm(formula = diversity ~ diameter * depth + shelter + distance,
## data = df)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -14.9099 -3.8661 -0.0769 4.1214 19.1899
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -1.258e+01 3.886e+00 -3.238 0.00142 **
## diameter 1.565e-01 3.165e-02 4.945 1.65e-06 ***
## depth 5.652e-01 9.693e-02 5.830 2.29e-08 ***
## shelter2 1.515e+00 1.068e+00 1.419 0.15747
## shelter3 1.038e+00 1.030e+00 1.008 0.31494
## distance -4.052e-03 4.236e-03 -0.957 0.33992
## diameter:depth -1.879e-03 6.924e-04 -2.714 0.00724 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 5.831 on 193 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.7255, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7169
## F-statistic: 85 on 6 and 193 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
# make all the plots (don't need to repeat the grid column calculations)
df$shelter <- as.numeric(df$shelter) <- c(lapply(names(df)[2:5], plotIV, df=df))"grid.arrange", c(, ncol=ncol))
Well that changed things! Now it’s evident that diamter is having an effect (1.65e-06 ***
) and depth is also having an even bigger effect (2.29e-08 ***
). We’re also detecting an interation effect between diameter and depth (0.00724 **
). Remember!!! This is all just dummy data so don’t take any of this seriously (you can see the two normal distributions I made to make the data as two seperate splatters which is why we’re seeing an effect at all).
Also I’m not suggestimng you up your sampling to 200, but it’s worth keeping in mind how much difference statistical power can make and in these smaller experiments can be significant.